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find Keyword "Tuberculosis" 61 results
  • Assessing the Quality of Diagnostic Studies on Using Dot Immunogold Filtration Assay to Diagnose Tuberculosis

    Objective To assess the quality of diagnostic studies on detecting the tuberculosis antibody to diagnose tuberculosis.Methods CBM (1978 to 2006) and VIP (1994 to 2006) were searched; any author-claimed diagnostic studies which used the dot immunogold filtration assay (DIGFA) to detect the tuberculosis antibody and to diagnose tuberculosis were included. The Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS) was used to assess the quality of included diagnostic studies by two reviewers independently.Results Thirty-eight papers were included and assessed. We found that most of the quality items were not met with QUADAS. Most papers adopted the retrospective diagnostic case-control design. Thirty-one papers did not describe the selection criteria clearly, 18 did not describe whether all the included patients were verified by using a reference standard of diagnosis, 36 did not describe whether the index test results were interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference standard, 37 did not report the uninterpretable/intermediate test results, and 34 did not report the withdrawals from the study.Conclusion There are few high quality studies on using DIGFA to detect tuberculosis antibody to diagnose tuberculosis.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Rifampicin Plus Pyrazinamide versus Isoniazid For Treating Latent Tuberculosis Infection: A Meta-analysis△

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of rifampicin plus pyrazinamide versus isoniazid for prevention of tuberculosis among persons with or without HIV-infection respectively. Methord Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials(RCT) and quasi-randomized controlled trials(quasi RCT) that compared rifampicin plus pyrazinamide for 2-3 months with isoniazid for 6-12 months. Endpoints were development of active tuberculosis, severe adverse effects, and death. Treatment effects were summarized as risk difference (RD) with 95% confidence interval (CI). Results Three trials conducted in HIV-infected patients and 3 trials conducted in HIV-uninfected persons were identified. The rates of tuberculosis in the rifampicin plus pyrazinamide group were similar to that in the isoniazid group, whether the subjects were HIV-infected patients or not (for HIV-infected patients: pooled RD= 0%, 95%CI: -1% to 2%, P=0.89; for HIV-uninfected persons: pooled RD=0%, 95%CI: -2% to 1%, P=0.55). There was no difference in mortality between the two treatment groups (for HIV-infected patients: pooled RD=-1%, 95%CI: -4% to 2%, P=0.53; for HIV-uninfected persons: pooled RD=0%, 95%CI: -1% to 1%, P=1.00). However, both subgroup analyses showed that a higher incidence of all severe adverse events was associated with rifampicin plus pyrazinamide than isoniazid among HIV-uninfected persons (one: RD=29%, 95%CI: 13% to 46%; P=0.000 5; another: RD=7%, 95%CI: 4% to 10%; Plt;0.000 1). Conclusion Rifampicin plus pyrazinamide is equivalent to isoniazid in terms of efficacy and mortality in the treatment of latent tuberculosis infection. However, this regimen increases risk of severe adverse effects compared with isoniazid in HIV-uninfected persons.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection-associated Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis: A Case Report and Review of 15 Cases Reported in China

    ObjectiveTo summarize the clinical manifestations,diagnosis and treatment of mycobacterium tuberculosis infection-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. MethodsOne proven diagnosed case of mycobacterium tuberculosis infection-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis was analyzed. Related publications of case reports and articles from Wanfang Data and China Hospital Knowledge Database were also reviewed. ResultsA total of 15 cases were reported,in which 9 cases with complete clinical data. There were 7 males and 2 females,with a mean age of 31.2±15.83 years. The infected tissues were as follows:lung(6 cases),liver(2 cases),spleen(1 case),lymph node(2 cases),pleural(3 cases),peritoneum(2 cases),meninges(1 case),two or more sites infection(5 cases). The most clinical manifestations were fever,hepatosplenomegaly and enlarged lymph glands. The common laboratory abnormalities were liver dysfunction,pancytopaenia and haemophagocytosis in bone marrow. Treatment and outcomes:immunotherapy(5 cases,3 cases with intravenous immunoglobulin and 5 cases with steroid therapy) and anti-tuberculosis (14 cases). 3 cases were cured,6 cases improved and 6 died. ConclusionThere were no specific indexes of mycobacterium tuberculosis infection-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Early proven diagnosis and administration of anti-tuberculosis and immunotherapy is essentials of effective therapy.

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:31 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    In this series of 30 patients of intestinal tuberculosis, diagnosis was made by the typical appearance of caseous change of intestines and mesectery, pathological evidence of endoscopic biopsy or biopsy at operation. In 16 patients preoperative chest X-ray showed pulmonary TB lesion. X-ray gastrointestinal exmaination was performed in 24 patients and 20 patients underwent clonic endoscopy,both of them showed abnormal but nonspecific manifestation.Three patients underwent partial resection of small intestine, 20 patients right hemicolectomy, 3 patients subtotal colectomy, 1 patient abdominal resection of rectum, 2 patients partial resection of small bowel and right hemicolectomy and 1 patient partial resection of ileum and right hemicolon and part of rectum. It is believed that intestinal tuberculosis could manifest itself in segmental changes and bridge of mucosa, and should differented from Crohn’s disease. Resection and anastomosis after exploration and postoperative antituberculosis therapy is necssary.

    Release date:2016-08-29 03:44 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Analysis of 126 Patients with Tuberculous Meningoencephalitis

    Objective To investigate the clinical features of tuberculous meningoencephalitis.Methods The clinical characteristics and laboratory results of 126 cases who were diagnosed as tuberculous meningoencephalitis fromJanuary 2000 to April 2009 were analyzed retrospectively. Results The clinical manifestations of tuberculous meningoencephalitis included fever, headache, vomitting, hemiparalysis,paraplegia, mental anomaly, hypopsia, deafness, diplopia, muscular spasms, coma, and incomplete oculomotor palsy, etc. Vomitting which was characteristic symptom of tuberculous meningoencephalitis was found in 25 cases( 19. 8% ) . The diagnosis was confirmed more than eightweeks after the onset of the disease in 31 cases ( 24. 6% ) . The inhospital mortality rate of tuberculous meningoencephalitis was 14. 3% ( 18 /126) . The inhospital mortality rate of re-treatment patients was 42. 9% ( 6 /14) . In 41 patients with poor prognosis ( death or therapy failure) , 68. 3% ( 28/41) cases were complicated with military tuberculosis, which was higher than the overall occurrence of 41. 3% ( 52/126) . Conclusions Strict diagnostic criteria and atypicalsymptoms lead to delayed diagnosis, delayed treatment, and high mortality in patients with tuberculous meningoencephalitis, particularly in patients with military tuberculosis and re-treatment patients. There is still no effective treatment which have a significant impact on the prognosis.

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:53 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Postoperative Treatment of Pleuropneumonectomy for Tuberculosis Destroyed Lung in Intensive Care Unit

    Objective To investigate the postoperative treatment of pleuropneumonectomy for tuberculosis destroyed lung in ICU, in order to improve the therapeutical efficacy for these patients. Methods Clinical data of 52 patients who suffered from tuberculosis destroyed lung and underwent pleuropneumonectomy from June 2008 to June 2010 were analyzed retrospectively. All of subjects received routine treatment in ICU after the operation. Meanwhile,appropriate targeting treatments were applied including diagnosis and treatment of postoperative bleeding; application of fiberbronchoscope to aspirate the sputum after the operation,sequential non-invasive ventilation after the invasive ventilation for acute respiratory failure after operation ,etc.Results A total of 52 patients received the pleuropneumonectomy operation. Bleeding occurred in 11 cases after operation and stopped after the integrated therapy. 8 patients suffered from acute respiratory failure and attenuated after sequential ventilation. No patients died for postoperative bleeding or acute respiratory failure. Conclusions Patients who suffered from tuberculosis destroyed lung and received pleuropneumonectomy with postoperative bleeding and acute respiratory failure have a good prognosis after appropriate postoperative treatment in ICU.

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:58 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To evaluate the cl inical outcomes of primary anterior focus debridement, bone autograft, and internal fixation via transperitoneal approach in treating tuberculosis of the lumbosacral junction. Methods From February 2002 to April 2007, 16 patients with tuberculosis of the lumbosacral junction underwent anterior radical debridement, autologous il iac bone graft (two pieces of il iac bone, 5 cm × 3 cm in size), and internal fixation via transperitoneal approach, including 4 males and 12 females aged 27-63 years old (average 38 years old). The course of the disease ranged from 6 to 18 months (average 10 months). All patients experienced various degrees of pain in the lumbosacral area and toxic symptoms of thetuberculosis. Nine cases were compl icated with radicular pain in the lower extremities, and 3 cases had saddle area anaesthesia. Two cases were initially diagnosed as lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion and treated accordingly. The segments involved by the tuberculosis were L5-S1 level in all cases. The average erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was 61 mm/hour. Imaging examination confirmed the diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis. All cases received four antitubercular drugs and nutrition support for nerve before operation. Operation was performed when hepatorenal function was normal, and the toxic symptom of the tuberculosis was under control or ESR was decreased. Results Operation was performed safely in all cases without injuries of abdominal viscera, major blood vessel, cauda equina nerve and ureter. All wounds healed by first intention. No recurrence of tuberculosis and formation of sinuses occurred. All cases were followed up for 12-37 months (average 21 months). No such compl ications as tuberculous peritonitis and intestinal obstruction occurred. No postoperative erectile dysfunction and retrograde ejaculation occurred in the 4 male patients. ESR was recovered to normal 3-6 months after operation, and regular X-ray and CT exams showed no displacement of grafted bone. All patients achieved bony fusion 12 months after operation without the occurrence breakage and loosening of titanium plate and screw. The radical pain in the lower extremities and the saddlearea anaesthesia disappeared. Four patients had pain in the il iac donor site, 2 patients had mild pain in the lumbosacral area, and the pain was el iminated after symptomatic treatment. The therapeutic effect was graded as excellent in 14 cases and good in 2 cases according to the therapeutic effect evaluation criteria of Chen and co-workers. Conclusion The surgical treatment of tuberculosis of the lumbosacral junction with primary anterior focus debridement, bone autograft, and internal fixation via transperitoneal approach can achieve satisfying bony fusion and reconstruct spinal stabil ity.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:07 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    To evaluate the appl ication value of internal fixation of spinal column by posterior approach and extraperitioneal bilateral focal debridement for the treatment of tuberculosis of lumbosacral vertebral body. Methods From March 2000 to February 2005, 16 cases of spinal tuberculosis in L3-S1 were treated with internal fixation of spinal column by posterior approach and extraperitioneal bilateral focal debridement. Sixteen cases included 11 males and 5 females, and the age was 21-56 years. The locations of spinal tuberculosis were L3 in 4 cases, L4 in 6, L5 in 4, and S1 in 2. The course of disease averaged 13 monthes (range 6 monthes to 6 years). The ESR of all cases was greater than 20 mm/h (average40 mm/h); WBC was normal in 14 cases, and a l ittle high in 2 cases. The X-ray picture showed narrow intervertebral space in 5 cases, compressed body of vertebra in 7 cases, and destroyed 2 consecutive vertebra and its sclerotin was condupl icate in 1 case. All cases were abscess in major psoas muscle. The CT showed destruction of bone, abscess-formation and dead bone in body of vertebra of 16 cases. The abscess were found in vertebral canal in 5 cases and dura mater of spinal cord and spinal nerve root crushed in 2 cases. The MRI showed destruction of bone, abscess-formation and hibateral abscess in major psoas muscle in 11 cases. The abscess were found in vertebral canal and dura mater of spinal cord and spinal nerve root crushed in 6 cases. The therapy of pasid was treated after operation in all the cases. Results Incision healed by first intention in 16 cases; and disruption of wound occurred and heal ing was achieved after symptomatic treatment in 1 case. Sixteen cases were followed up 2-5 years (29 months on average). Among all the cases, anaesthesia in double thigh was found in 3 cases, adynamia of dorsiflexion in foot in 1 case, gatism in 1 case; after 2 weeks the symptoms were vanished. Indirect hernia of fold inguen were found in 1 case after 2 years, and the patient refused operation for age and was no longer followed up. Fuzzy, exsic and acerb in eyes were foundin 6 cases, hearing disturbance were found in 2 cases, and symptoms were vanished after medication adjustment. Low-grade fever and lumbar myalgia were found in 1 case and cured after staying in bed and medication adjustment. All ESR were normal, synostosis of lumbosacral vertebral body was found in 13 cases, kyphosis in 1 case. Conclusion Internal fixation of spinal column by posterior approach and extraperitioneal bilateral focal debridement is safe and available way for the treatment of tuberculosis of lumbosacral vertebral body, it can save the times of operation, shorten period and enhance effect of treatment.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To investigate the efficacy of freeze-driedcancellous allograft in the treatment of spinal tuberculosis. Methods From January 1999 to August 2004, there were 31 cases of spinal tuberculosis who underwent surgery. The freeze-dried cancellous allograft was used as grafting material in all the cases.The cancellous allograft was packed in a titanium mesh cage or an artificial vertebrae, and then used as a strut graft anteriorly to implant into the bone defect after the redical debridement, and the instrumentation was done. Results Twenty-three cases were followed up 1.5 years to 5 years (3.7 years on average), and bonyfusion was achieved in 21 cases 6 months later. In 2 cases ceasing antituberculous therapy after 2 months of operation, the local recurrence was obvious. The loosened screw was noticed in one of these two cases, who had tuberculosis in lumbar spine. When antituberculous therapy continued, the bony fusion was observed in these two cases 12 months later. No further position change of the instrument wasnoticed in the patient carrying loosened screw, but the kyphosis of the thoracolumbar spine aggravated. Conclusion Freeze-dried cancellous allograft could be usedin the treatment of spinal tuberculosis. To achieve good results of allograft incorporation and remodeling, the rigid instrumentation should be performed, postoperative antituberculous therapy is also important. 

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:29 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Abstract Dual-blade plate is widely used in reconstruction of anterior stability of spine. Two hundred and ninety-eight cases were followed up since 1984. Among them, 181 cases were fractureof thoracolumbar spine; 63 cases were tuberculosis of thoracolumbar spine; 43 cases were tumor of thoracolumbar spine; 5 cases were spondylisthesis of lumbar spine; 2 cases were ankylosing spondylitis accompanied with gibbosity; 2 cases were adolescent vertebral epiphysis; I case was hemivertebra; I case was dysplasia of the first lumbar vertebra acompanied with gibbosity. Most cases were successful following operation, but in some cases, the results were unsuccessful, mainly due to the position of the dualblade plate in the vertebral body was not satisfactory. The mistakes most commonly occurred were one or two blades, or a part of the blade going into the intervertebral space, and less commonly seen was deviation of the dual -blade plate from itscorrect orientation or a little side-bent of the blade. Split of the vertebra and fall off of the dual-blade plate were happened in few cases. The causeswere analyzed and ways of prevention were provided in this article.

    Release date:2016-09-01 11:11 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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