目的 探讨比较色努式脊柱侧弯矫形器佩戴时间及功能锻炼对矫正治疗效果的影响。 方法 将2004年7月-20011年7月收治的126例脊柱侧弯患者,按自愿选择分为试验组和对照组,试验组佩戴色努式脊柱侧弯矫形器18~20 h,功能锻炼>90 min;对照组佩戴侧弯矫形器23 h,功能锻炼30~60 min。对比两组患者治疗前后的Cobb角、顶椎偏离中线距离(AVT)、顶椎旋转度(AVR)、躯干位移(TS)、脊柱柔韧性及肺功能指标的改善。 结果 经X线检查测定,治疗后两组患者的Cobb角、AVT、AVR、TS均低于治疗前(P<0.01),且试验组明显低于对照组(P<0.01)。肺功能指标:试验组治疗后肺活量(VC)、第1秒钟用力呼气容积(FEV1)、用力肺活量(FVC)、肺总量(TLC),等均高于治疗前,残气量(RV)低于治疗前(P<0.01),对照组治疗后VC、FEV1、FVC、TLC均低于治疗前,RV高于治疗前(P<0.01),且试验组优于对照组(P<0.01)。功能位Cobb角:两组患者的功能位主弯Cobb角、代偿弯Cobb角均低于治疗前(P<0.01),且试验组明显低于对照组(P<0.01)。 结论 色努式脊柱侧弯矫形器每天佩戴18~20 h,并结合适当的体操疗法,呼吸、肌力训练及麦肯基力学疗法,可使肺功能、腰背部肌力、脊柱柔韧性、身体的协调性、以及平衡能力得到改善,从而达到脊柱侧弯治疗的较好效果。
Esophageal carcinoma is one of the most common malignant tumor, a serious threat to human health. In the early and middle esophageal carcinoma patients, surgery is the only expected treatment to cure esophageal carcinoma. Traditional surgery of esophageal cancer needs thoracotomy and laparotomy, which has great trauma and high incidence of complications. So surgeons are looking for a minimally invasive surgical methods alternative to traditional esophagectomy. Video-mediastinoscopy is used to free middle and upper esophagus, as a minimally invasive surgical method, it is used in radical resection of esophageal cancer gradually. This article reviews the recent progress and the related research results in the application of mediastinoscopy in the radical resection of esophageal cancer. It is found that mediastinoscopy assisted the radical resection of esophageal cancer is a safe and feasible operation. It provides a feasible treatment option for early and middle stage esophageal cancer patients with pulmonary insufficiency who can not be resected by thoracoscopy.
The widespread use of low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) in lung cancer screening has enabled more and more lung nodules to get identified of which more than 20% are multiple pulmonary nodules. At present, there is no guideline or consensus for multiple pulmonary nodules whose management is based primarily on the pulmonary imaging characteristics and associated risk factors. Herein, this review covers the imaging methods, CT appearances and management of multiple pulmonary nodules.
Objective To compare the different surgical treatment methods of thymoma combined with myasthenia gravis (MG), and to discuss the clinical effectiveness of thoracoscopic combined mediastinoscopic extended thymectomy. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 58 patients of thymoma combined with myasthenia gravis in Northern Jiangsu People's Hospital between 2011 and 2016 year. According to the operation method, the patients were divided into three groups including a group A for thoracoscopic thymectomy (n=32), a group B for thoracoscopic combined mediastinoscopic thymectomy (n=15), and a group C for transsternal thymectomy (n=11). The clinical effects were observed and compared. Results In the group A and the group B, the bleeding volume, postoperative hospital stay and other complications were significantly lower than those in the group C with statistical differences (P<0.05). The incidence of myasthenic crisis in the group B (6.7%) was less than that in the group C (36.4 %), but the difference was not statistically different (P=0.058). The operation time of the three groups was 122.0 ± 39.4 min, 130.3 ± 42.5 min, and 142.3 ± 40.8 min respectively with no statistical difference between the two groups (P>0.05). The rate of dissection grade in the group B (grade 1, 12 patients, 80%) was significantly greater than that in the group A (grade 1, 14 patients, 43.8%,P<0.05). The effective rate of the group A, the group B, the group C was 84.4%, 93.3% and 90.9%, respectively with no statistical difference between groups (P>0.05). Conclusion The thoracoscopy combined mediastinoscopic thymectomy not only has the advantages of less trauma, quicker recovery and fewer complications, but also can more thoroughly clean the thymus and adipose tissue, which can achieve the same therapeutic effect as the transsternal thymectomy.
Lobectomy and systematic nodules resection has been the standard surgical procedure for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, increased small-size lung cancer has been identified with the widespread implementation of low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening, and it is controversial whether it is proper to choose lobar resection for the pulmonary nodules. Numerous retrospective researches and randomized clinical trials, such as JCOG0201, JCOG0804/WJOG4507L, JCOG0802 and CALGB/Alliance 140503, revealed that the sublobar resection was safe and effective for NSCLC with maximum tumor diameter≤2 cm and with consolidation tumor ratio (CTR)≤0.25, and that segmentectomy was superior to lobectomy with significant differences in 5-year overall survival rate and respiratory function for patients with small-size (≤2 cm, CTR>0.5) NSCLC and should be the standard surgical procedure. It is the principle for multiple primary lung cancer that priority should be given to primary lesions with secondary lesions considered, and it is feasible to handle the multiple lung nodules based on the patients' individual characteristics.
Objective To summarize the clinical characteristics and surgical treatment experience of 1 106 patients with cardiac myxoma. Methods Clinical data of 1 106 patients with cardiac myxoma who underwent surgical treatment in Beijing Anzhen Hospital from 2002 to 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 749 (67.7%) females and 357 (32.3%) males. Results The highest incidence rate was at the age of 51-70 years. The location of the disease was: left atrium in 987 (89.2%) patients, right atrium in 99 (9.0%) patients, left ventricle in 10 (0.9%) patients, right ventricle in 8 (0.7%) patients. There were 1 013 patients of heart classification (NYHA) Ⅰ-Ⅱ and 93 patients of Ⅲ-Ⅳ. There were 301 patients with cerebral infarction and 57 patients with peripheral arterial embolism. Tumor size was closely related to hemodynamic symptoms (P≤0.05), but not to peripheral vascular embolism (P>0.05). Two (0.2%) patients died in hospital and 306 patients were followed up, with a follow-up rate of 27.7%. The median follow-up time was 7 years (range, 1-18 years). One patient died of all causes, and 23 patients recurred, with a recurrence rate of 2.1%. Among 23 recurrent patients, 15 (65.2%) patients were atypical myxoma and 8 (34.8%) patients were typical myxoma. There was no statistical difference in aortic clamping time, ICU stay time, ventilator-assisted breathing time, postoperative hospital stay time, postoperative mortality, or cardiac ejection fraction at discharge between the reoperation in 23 recurrent patients and the first operation in 1 083 non-recurrentpatients. Conclusion Cardiac myxoma is more common in middle-aged and elderly women, and it often occurs in the left atrium. The size of cardiac myxoma can affect the hemodynamic changes. Surgical treatment is effective. Atypical myxoma is more common in recurrent patients, and the effect is still satisfactory through surgical treatment.
Silicon carbide (SiC) film and silicon dioxide (SiO2) film were deposited on the surface of carbon/carbon composite (C/C) by low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD). The biocompatibility of the three carbon-based composites, e. g. C/C, C/C-SiC, C/C-SiO2 were investigated by cytotoxicity test, cell direct contact and cell adhesion experiments. Cytotoxicity, cell direct contact and cell adhesion showed that the three materials had no toxic effect on mouse fibroblasts (L929 cells). However, the particles dropped off from the three materials had a great impact on evaluation accuracy of the thiazolyl blue (MTT) test. More the particles were lost, more growth inhibition to L929 cells. The evaluation accuracy of MTT method can be kept with the filtered extract of materials. Furthermore, the results of surface particles shedding experiment showed that the amount of surface particles shed from C/C-SiO2 was the most, followed by C/C and C/C-SiC in 72 hours. Particles shedding curves showed there was a peak reached at eighth hour and then declined to the thirty-sixth hour. The filtrate analysis showed that there was no ion exchange between the three materials and simulated body fluid (SBF) solution. The results of this study on biocompatibility of carbon-based composites have certain guiding significance for their future application in clinical filed.
ObjectiveTo develop a smart orthosis personalized management system for the treatment of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and to evaluate the feasibility and efficiency through clinical preliminary applications.MethodsThe smart orthosis personalized management system consists of a wireless force monitor, a WeChat Mini Program, a cloud-based storage system, and a website backstage management system. Twenty-two patients with AIS who underwent orthosis treatment and met the selection criteria between March 2020 and December 2020 were enrolled. The follow-up time was 4 months. The parameters used to evaluate patients’ compliance were as follows (back and lumbar): baseline force value, measured force value, force compliance (measured force value/baseline force value×100%), measured wearing time (wearing time of force value was more than 0 N), and time compliance (measured wearing time/prescribed wearing time×100%), in which the prescribed wearing time was 23 hours/day. The baseline force values were measured at initiation, while the measured force value, measured wearing time, force compliance, and time compliance were measured during follow-up. The differences of these parameters between back and lumbar, and the differences among these parameters at 1, 2, 3, and 4 months after orthosis wearing were analyzed.ResultsThe average measured force value of 22 patients (back and lumbar) was (0.83±0.34) N, the average force compliance was 68.5%±17.9%, the average measured wearing time was (15.4±1.7) hours, and the average time compliance was 66.9%±7.7%. The baseline force value and measured force value of back were significantly higher than those of lumbar (P<0.05); the measured wearing time, force compliance, and time compliance between back and lumbar showed no significant difference (P>0.05). The measured force value, measured wearing time, force compliance, and time compliance at 1 month after wearing were significantly lower than those at 2, 3, and 4 months after orthosis wearing (P<0.05), no significant difference was found among 2, 3, and 4 months after orthosis wearing (P>0.05). At different time points after wearing, the measured force value of back were significantly higher than that of lumbar (P<0.05), while there was no significant difference between back and lumbar on the other parameters (P>0.05).ConclusionThe smart orthosis personalized management system has high feasibility to treat AIS, and can improve the compliance of such patients with orthosis wearing.
ObjectiveTo investigate the mid-term effectiveness of three‐dimensional (3D) printed osteotomy guide plate and personalized prosthesis in knee‐preserving tumor resection. Methods The clinical data of 12 patients who underwent knee‐preserving tumor resection and reconstruction with 3D printed osteotomy guide plate and personalized prosthesis between September 2016 and October 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 7 males and 5 females. The age ranged from 7 to 59 years, with a median of 44.5 years. There were 11 cases of osteosarcoma and 1 case of fibrosarcoma, all of which were Enneking grade ⅡB. The distance from the tumor to the joint surface was 5.5-8.2 cm, with an average of 6.94 cm. Incision healing, tumor recurrence, periprosthetic fracture, and aseptic loosening were observed after operation. The Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS) scoring system was used to evaluate the function of the patients, and the knee flexion range of motion was measured. ResultsThe 12 patients were followed up 41-66 months, with an average of 54.5 months. The length of osteotomy ranged from 14 to 26 cm, with an average of 22.08 cm. Except for 2 patients with superficial infection of incision tissue, no deep infection involving the prosthesis occurred, no patient underwent revision surgery because of prosthesis infection. During the follow-up, local recurrence occurred in 2 cases and distant metastasis occurred in 3 cases. The overall disease-free survival rate was 58.3%. Two patients died of lung metastasis, and the overall survival rate was 83.3%. One patient underwent amputation due to local recurrence, and 1 patient underwent total knee arthroplasty due to prosthesis rupture. No aseptic loosening of the prosthesis and periprosthetic fracture occurred during the follow-up, and the overall prosthesis survival rate was 83.3%. At last follow-up, 10 patients obtained satisfactory knee flexion range of motion that ranged from 95° to 125°, with an average of 110°. Two children could not cooperate with early rehabilitation treatment due to pain, and the knee flexion range of motion was not ideal (50°, 75°). All patients achieved acceptable lower limb function with MSTS scores ranged from 26 to 30, with an average of 28. All patients walked without crutches. ConclusionThe treatment of malignant bone tumors around the knee joint with 3D printed osteotomy guide plate and personalized prosthesis can preserve the articular surface, obtain good limb function, reduce the risk of aseptic loosening of prosthesis, and achieve better mid-term effectiveness.
With the widespread adoption of antiretroviral therapy, vast improvements in the life expectancy of individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) were seen, and the liver disease of this population has become a leading cause of mortality. Although liver transplantation is as an effective treatment for end-stage liver disease, it remains in its nascent stage for the patients with HIV/AIDS in China, lacking standardized protocols and substantial clinical experience. Therefore, a “Multicenter expert consensus on perioperative management of liver transplantation in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection” was formulated. This expert consensus aims to standardize and optimize the diagnosis and treatment process for liver transplantation in HIV-infected patients, providing systematic guidance for this procedure in China and fostering multidisciplinary collaboration and development in the field. This expert consensus clearly delineates the indications and contraindications for liver transplantation in HIV-infected patients, emphasizing comprehensive preoperative evaluations of both donors and recipients. These evaluations include infection control measures, immune function monitoring, and management of comorbidities. In terms of surgical procedures, strategies to prevent occupational exposure and intraoperative guidelines are outlined. Postoperatively, the focus is on antiviral therapy, individualized immunosuppression management, and vigilant monitoring of complications to ensure patient recovery and long-term survival. The long-term follow-up management prioritizes regular assessments of liver function, immune status, and HIV-related indicators to adjust treatment plans and enhance patient survival rates and quality of life. With the continuous enrichment of clinical experience and the progress of clinical research, this consensus will be continuously updated.