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find Author "YANG Fan" 47 results
  • Recommendations on Use of Antimicrobial Agents in Emergency Medical Rescue after Lushan Earthquake

    The injuries caused by earthquake were characterized as complicated injuries, multiple injuries, crush injury, commonly accompanied by the impairment of the organs, open wound with susceptibility to contamination, difficulties in the implementation of in-time treatment, and resource-limited settings. Considering the specialty of early treatment of earthquake victims and existing misconduct, we propose recommendations according to general principles of early rationale use of antibiotics, in order to treat the earthquake victims safely, effectively and feasibly, and to decrease wound infection rates after surgery.

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  • Recombinant Human Growth Hormone for Idiopathic Short Stature: A Systematic Review

    Objective To evaluate long-term effectiveness of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) for children with idiopathic short stature (ISS). Methods The randomized controlled trials (RCTs) about rhGH in treating ISS published from 1985 to 2010 were searched in PubMed, ScienceDirect, EBSCOHost, EMbase, The Cochrane Library, CBM, CNKI and VIP. According to the Cochrane Handbook, two reviewers independently screened literature, extracted data, assessed methodological quality, and conducted meta-analysis using RevMan 5.0 software. Results A total of 11 RCTs involving 607 ISS children were included. The results of meta-analysis showed that, compared with the blank/placebo control group after 1-year treatment, the rhGH group resulted in a significant increase in height standard deviation score (SDS) (MD=0.29, 95%CI 0.03 to 0.54, P=0.03), growth velocity (MD=2.68 cm/year, 95%CI 1.70 to 3.65, Plt;0.000 01), and adult SDS (MD=0.46, 95%CI 0.29 to 0.63, Plt;0.000 01). Conclusion rhGH can effectively promote the growth of ISS children. But due to the limitation of quality and small sample size of the included studies, its effectiveness still needs to be further proved by more high quality RCTs.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:39 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Efficacy of Modified De Vega Technique Compares with the Traditional De Vega Technique for the Correction of Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation

    摘要:目的:探讨改良De Vega环缩术与经典De Vega环缩术相比对于治疗重度三尖瓣返流是否具有更好的成形效果。方法: 2007年12月至2009年3月对29例重度三尖瓣返流的患者行De Vega环缩术。其中16例行改良De Vega环缩术,13例行经典De Vega环缩术,随访比较两组患者三尖瓣返流程度,右心室舒张期末内径,EF值及心功能分级。以秩和检验分析研究两组患者三尖瓣返流程度和心功能分级的差异,以t检验研究两组患者右心室舒张末期内径及EF值变化。结果:术前两组患者一般指标无显著差异。两组患者随访时间无显著差异。随访经典De Vega组重度返流1例,中度返流5例,轻度返流5例,微量及无返流2例;改良De Vega组无中、重度返流,轻度返流8例,微量及无返流8例。经分析显示两组患者三尖瓣返流程度结果差异有统计学意义(Plt;0.05)。经典De Vega组心功能分级I级5例,II级7例,III级1例;改良De Vega组I级7例,II级8例,III级1例,两组患者心功能差异无统计学意义(Pgt;0.05)。两组患者右室舒张期末内径及EF值组内比较随访与术前差异均有统计学意义(Plt;0.05),随访时组间比较差异有统计学意义(Plt;0.05), 改良De Vega环缩术随访时右室舒张期末内径缩小更显著,射血分数改善更明显。结论:改良De Vega环缩术治疗重度三尖瓣返流效果优于经典De Vega环缩术。Abstract: Objective: To compare the efficacy of one kind of modified De Vega technique and traditional De Vega technique for the correction of severe tricuspid regurgitation. Methods: From December 2007 to March 2009, 29 patients were treated with tricuspid valve annuloplasty. These were 16 patients in modified De Vega annuloplasty group and the others (13 patients) in traditional De Vega annuloplasty group. The grade of tricuspid regurgitation、New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class、ejection fraction (EF) and the right ventricular enddiastolic dimension of two groups were followed and reviewed. Results: There was no statistically difference between two groups about preoperative characteristics and followup time. There was 1 patient with severe TR, 5 patients with moderate TR, 5 patients with mild TR and 2 patients without TR in traditional De Vega annuloplasty group after the operations. In modified De Vega annuloplasty group, no patient was observed with severe or moderate TR, 8 patients with mild TR, and 8 patients without TR. At interval time, there was significant difference in the grade of tricuspid regurgitation between two groups (Plt;0. 05). Both tricuspid valve plasty techniques could reduce the right ventricular enddiastolic dimension and improve ejection fraction significantly (Plt; 0. 05), and there was significant difference in the right ventricular enddiastolic dimension and ejection fraction at interval time between two groups (Plt;0.05). Conclusions: The outcome of modified tricuspid De Vega technique is superior to that of traditional De Vega technique in correcting severe tricuspid regurgitation.

    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Endovascular Stentgraft For Treating Type B Aortic Dissection in Forty Cases


    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Relationship Between Disease Severity and Life Quality in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

    Objective To compare BODE index with GOLD staging for the severity evaluation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD) . To investigate the relationship between BODE index and quality of life. Methods A total of 100 patients with stable COPD were enrolled. All participants were examined with lung function test and St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire ( SGRQ) for evaluation of quality of life. BODE index and it’s four components including body mass index( BMI) , airflow obstruction ( FEV1%pred) , dyspnea( MMRC) , and exercise capacity( 6MWD) were calculated. The participants were divided into four groups of severity using GOLD guidelines and BODE index quartiles. Results The associations between SGRQ total score and SGRQ subscales, and BODE index were significant( P lt;0. 01) .BODE index was a significant predictor of the quality of life, explaining 41. 3% of the total score of the SGRQ ( P lt;0. 01) . However, GOLD classification showed a correlation only with SGRQ activity score ( P lt;0. 05) but not with other SGRQ scores. There were significant differences in SGRQ total score and SGRQsubscales between different severity groups of BODE index( P lt;0. 01) . But there was no difference in SGRQ score between different severity groups of GOLD classification, except SGRQ activity score. Conclusion BODE scoring system is better correlated with the quality of life as assessed by the disease severity inpatients with COPD than the GOLD staging criteria.

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:53 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Videoassisted Thoracoscopic Surgery Lobectomy: a Series of Consecutive 300 Patients and a 3year Follow-up

    Abstract: Objective To summarize the clinical experiences of videoassisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) lobectomy performed on a series of 300 consecutive patients, and report the results of a 3year followup. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 300 consecutive patients who underwent VATS lobectomy from September 2006 to December 2009 in the Department of Thoracic Surgery, People’s Hospital of Peking University. Of the 300 patients, there were 159 males and 141 females with the age ranged from 18 to 86 years (58.30±13.90 years). Preoperative diagnosis showed that there were 266 patients of mass in the lung, 22 of bronchiectasis, 5 of cyst/abscess in the lung, 3 of pulmonary sequestration, 2 of fungus infection, and 2 of pneumothorax. We assessed the perioperative variables by standard descriptive statistics and estimated the 3year survival rate by KaplanMeier analyses. Results Sixtysix patients were diagnosed to have benign diseases and 234 patients were with malignancies. A percentage of 81.82% (54/66) of the benign patients had infectious diseases, and the majority of the malignancies was nonsmall cell lung cancer (213 patients), especially adenocarcinomas which comprised 73.08% (171/234) of all the malignancies. A total of 273 patients accomplished VATS lobectomy, of whom 27 patients required conversion to thoracotomy at a conversion rate of 9.00%(27/300). In the VATS lobectomy accomplished group, the mean operation time was 317±088 h, and the blood loss was 225.70±195.20 ml. Benign surgery took significantly less time (t=2.280, P=0.0032) and had shorter drainage time(t=1.392, P=0.0304) than those of malignancies. Dense adhesions between lymph nodes and blood vessels was the primary reason for conversion to thoracotomy in 17 patients at a percentage of 62.96%(17/27). Bleeding was the second reason for conversion in 5 patients at a percentage of 1852%. The patients in the upper lobe lobectomy group showed significantly higher risk of conversion compared with those in the nonupper lobe surgery group (χ2=6.131, P=0.013), while gender (χ2=1.182, P=0.277), pathology (χ2=0.210, P=0.647) and the tumor located in left or right side(χ2=2.933, P=0.087) didn’t influence the risk of conversion. The result of the 3year followup showed that there was no reoccurrence of symptoms in patients with benign diseases; Nonsmall cell lung cancer patients had a 3year survival rate of 0.87 with the 95% confidence interval (CI) from 0.77 to 0.96, and pathologic stage I patients at 0.91 with the 95%CI from 0.85 to 0.98. Conclusion VATS lobectomy is safe and effective. This research shows that domestic technologies of VATS lobectomy and its midterm results have reached the international standard.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Indications for Conversion to Thoracotomy in Completely Thoracoscopic Lobectomy

    Objective To find out the best time and investigate the indications for conversion to horacotomy in completely thoracoscopic lobectomy. Methods Between Sep. 2006 and Feb. 2009, 172 patients including 88 male and 84 female with the median age of 58.9 years, underwent completely thoracoscopic lobectomy. Postoperative pathology showed that there were 133 cases of primary lung cancer, 7 cases of lung cancer metastasis and other malignant tumors, and 32 cases of benign diseases. Among them, 46 patients had the tumor on the right upper lobe (RUL), 23 on the right middle lobe (RML), 31 on the right lower lobe (RLL), 36 on the left upper lobe (LUL) and 36 on the left lower lobe (LLL). Three incisions were made in all operations. The procedures of systematic lymphadenectomy and anatomic lobectomy were similar with routine thoracotomy. If there was mediastinal lymph node adhesion, metastasis or bleeding, the incision would be extended to 12-15 cm and the surgery would be converted to thoracotomy. According to whether the maximum tumor dimension was above 5 cm or under 3 cm, the patients were divided into two groups. At the same time, we also divided the patients into two groups based on whether thoracotomy was performed. The data of both two groups were compared respectively. Results All surgeries were carried out safely with no serious complications or perioperative deaths. The average surgical duration was 185 minutes, and the average blood loss was 213 ml. Thirteen operations were converted to thoracotomy with a conversion rate of 7.6%. Among them, 9 were interfered by lymph nodes and bleeding happened in 4 operations. Lobectomy was performed on 12 patients and pneumonectomy was performed on 1 patient after thoracotomy. For the 16 cases of tumor with its dimension larger than 5 cm, the average operation time was 187 minutes and the average blood loss was 203.8 ml, while for the 98 cases of tumor with its dimension smaller than 3 cm, the average operation time was 202 minutes and the average blood loss was 231.3 ml. The difference between these two groups was not statistically significant. Among the 13 cases of conversion to thoracotomy, the mean age of the patients was 68.7 years old and the average tumor dimension was 23.8 mm. For the 159 cases without thoracotomy, the average age was 59.3 years old and the tumor dimension averaged 27.8 mm. There was a significant difference between them (P=0.016). Conclusion Interference by lymph nodes and bleeding are the most important causes of conversion to thoracotomy in completely thoracoscopic lobectomy while size of tumor, fused fissure or plural adhesions can be always managed thoracoscopically.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:59 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Analysis of 100 Consecutive Completely Thoracoscopic Lobectomy

    Objective To investigate the safety and efficacy of completely thoracoscopic lobectomy and the indications of this procedure. Methods Between Sep. 2006 and Jun. 2008, 100 consecutive patients(46 men,54 women, median age60.1±12.5 years,range from 18 to 82 years) underwent completely thoracoscopic lobectomy. All candidates were either peripheral pulmonary nodules suspected of lung cancer (85 pts.) or benign lesions (15 pts.) localized within single lobe who needed to receive lobectomy. The lobectomy was completed through three tiny incisions in the intercostal space. Anatomic lobectomies were carried out in all cases and systemic lymph node dissection was performed in malignancies. This group consisted of lobectomies of right upper lobe (n=25), right middle lobe (n=14), right lower lobe (n=22), left upper lobe (n=18), and left lower lobe (n=21). Results All procedures were successfully completed except for 3 conversions to thoracotomy. Postoperative diagnosis were primary lung cancer (n=81), lymphoma (n=1), metastasis of clear cell carcinoma from kidney (n=1), and, benign lesions (n=17). Five patients had mild complications in which two had atelectasis, one needed temperately echanical ventilation, one had pneumonia and one had chylothorax. All were treated conservatively without reoperation. No operative mortality or serious complications occurred in this group. The operative duration was 186.4±52.9min (range from 60 to 300 minutes). The blood loss was 233.9±275.9ml(range from 50 to 750ml), and only one case needed blood transfusion. Chest drainage time was 7.1±3.0 days. Postoperative hospital stay was 9.5±3.2 days. Followedup time was for 1 to 27 months, metastasis happened in two patients with primary lung cancer 15 and 3 months separately after operation. Conclusion The completely thoracoscopic lobectomy is a safe and feasible surgical procedure with minimal invasiveness. The advocated indications include selected peripheral typed early stage lung cancer and benign pulmonary lesions which need lobectomy.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:04 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • CT Manifestations of Encapsulated Fat Necrosis after Operation of Intra-Abdominal Cancer

    Objective To discuss the diagnostic value of multidetector CT(MDCT) on encapsulated fat necrosis after operation of abdominal cancer, and to investigate the key differences of CT features between encapsulated fat necrosis and postoperative recurrence or metastasis. Methods CT data of 36 patients with encapsulated fat necrosis after operation of abdominal cancer, who received CT in our hospital between Feb. 2012 to May. 2014 during followed-up were retrospectively analyzed, for the purpose of summarizing the CT characteristics. In addition, the clinical presentation, level of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and CA-125 before and after operation were also taken into account, to explore the difference between encapsulated fat necrosis with tumor recurrence and metastasis. Results Among the 36 patients who had suffered from encapsulated fat necrosis after operation of abdominal cancer, 3 patients (8.3%) had 2 lesions and the rest of 33 patients (91.7%) had solitary lesion(a total of 39 lesions). All lesions showed non homogeneous masses consistent with the surgery path and surrounded by fat density ring and soft tissue density capsule. The size of most lesions (94.8%, 37/39) decreased over time. All lesions were found slightly enhancement in portal phase. Five patients with postoperative tumor metastasis, 31 patients had no recurrence or metastasis. Among the 5 patients who had postoperative tumor metastasis at the same time, postoperative CEA was positive in 3 patients, and postoperative CA-125 was positive in 2 patient. Among the other 31 patients who had no recurrence or metastasis, the levels of postoperative CEA and CA-125 of 1 patient were unknown, and the postoperative CEA and CA-125 of 27 patients in the rest patients(90.0%, 27/30) were both negative. Most of them had no special clinical symptoms, only a few (1 patient)patient had mild abdominal pain without other associated symptoms. Conclusion CT is a valuable tool to reveal and diagnose encapsulated fat necrosis in postoperative abdominal cancer. Combined CT findings(such as location, shape, and density) with CEA, CA-125, and clinical presentation, that is easy to differ it from postoperative recurrence and metastasis.

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  • Short-term clinical outcomes of laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy versus open pancreatoduodenectomy: a retrospective analysis

    ObjectiveTo compare the short-term clinical outcomes of laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy (LPD) with open pancreatoduodenectomy (OPD).MethodsClinical data of 29 patients receiving LPD and 27 patients receiving OPD in the department of hepatobiliary surgery of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University from March 2016 to December 2018 were collected. Note that both LPD and OPD were performed by the same chief surgeon. Effectiveness and safety of LPD were compared with those of OPD.ResultsThere was no significant difference in age, sex, body mass index, total bilirubin level, direct bilirubin level, preoperative morbidities, focus size, TNM stage and ASA grade between the LPD group and the OPD group (P>0.05). The operative time of the LPD group was significantly longer than that of the OPD group [(482±86 ) min vs. (349±73) min, P<0.01]. Patients in the LPD group had shorter postoperative anal exhaust time than that in the OPD group [(3.3±0.8) d vs. (5.3±1.0) d , P<0.05]. There was no significant difference in the length of hospital stay after operation, blood loss in operation, transfusion, second operation, death and postoperative complications between the LPD group and the OPD group (P>0.05).ConclusionsThe preliminary results of this study suggest that compared with OPD, LPD can shorten the postoperative anal exhaust time but not increase the incidence of postoperative complications and blood loss in operation. Nevertheless, this conclusion is needed to be validated by clinical studies with large sample size.

    Release date:2019-06-05 04:24 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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