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find Keyword "chronic" 158 results
  • Air Pollution and COPD in China

    Recently, many researchers paid more attentions to the association between air pollution and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Haze, a severe form of outdoor air pollution, affected most parts of northern and eastern China in the past winter. In China, studies have been performed to evaluate the impact of outdoor air pollution and biomass smoke exposure on COPD; and most studies have focused on the role of air pollution in acutely triggering symptoms and exacerbations. Few studies have examined the role of air pollution in inducing pathophysiological changes that characterise COPD. Evidence showed that outdoor air pollution affects lung function in both children and adults and triggers exacerbations of COPD symptoms. Hence outdoor air pollution may be considered a risk factor for COPD mortality. However, evidence to date has been suggestive (not conclusive) that chronic exposure to outdoor air pollution increases the prevalence and incidence of COPD. Cross-sectional studies showed biomass smoke exposure is a risk factor for COPD. A long-term retrospective study and a long-term prospective cohort study showed that biomass smoke exposure reductions were associated with a reduced decline in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and with a decreased risk of COPD. To fully understand the effect of air pollution on COPD, we recommend future studies with longer follow-up periods, more standardized definitions of COPD and more refined and source-specific exposure assessments.

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  • Chinese medicinal herbs for chronic hepatitis B: a systematic review

    Background Hepatitis B virus infection is a serious health problem worldwide. Traditional Chinese medicinal herbs have been widely used to treat chronic liver diseases, and many controlled trials have been done to investigate their efficacy. Objectives To assess the efficacy and safety of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs for chronic hepatitis B infection. Search strategy Searches were applied to the following electronic databases: the CHBG Trials Register, the Cochrane Complementary Medicine Field Trials-Register, the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE and BIOSIS. Five Chinese journals and conference proceedings were handsearched. No language restriction was used. Selection criteria Randomized or quasi-randomized trials with at least three months follow-up. Thais of Chinese medicinal herbs (single or compound) compared with placebo, no intervention, general non-specific treatment or interferon treatment were included. Trials of Chinese medicinal herbs plus interferon versus interferon alone were also included. Trials could be double-blind, single-blind or not blinded. Data collection and analysis Data were extracted independently by two reviewers. The methodological quality of trials was evaluated using the Jadad-scale plus allocation concealment. Intention-to-treat analyses were performed. Main Resuits Nine randomized trials, including 936 patients, met the inclusion criteria. Methodological quality was considered adequate in only one trial. There was a significant funnel plot asymmetry (regression coefficient= 3.37, standard error 1.40, P=0.047). Ten different medicinal herbs were tested in the nine trials. Compared to non-specific treatment or placebo, Fuzheng Jiedu Tang (compound of herbs) showed significantly positive effects on clearance of serum HBsAg, HBeAg, and HBV DNA; Polyporus umbellatus, polysaccharide on serum HBeAg and HBV DNA; Phyllanthus amarus on serum HBeAg. Phyllanthus compound and kurorinone showed no significant effect on clearance of serum HBeAg and HBV DNA and on alanine aminotransferase normalization compared to interferon treatment. There were no significant effects of the other examined herbs. Reviewer’s conclusions Some Chinese medicinal herbs may work in chronic hepatitis B. However, the evidence too weak to recommend any single herb. Rigorously designed, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials are required.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:16 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Genus Phyllanthus for chronic hepatitis B virus infection: a systematic review

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of genus Phyllanthus for chronic HBV infection. Design a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Methods Randomized trials comparing genus Phyllanthus versus placebo, no intervention, general non-specific treatment, other herbal medicine, or interferon treatment for chronic HBV infection were identified by electronic and manual searches. Trials of Phyllanthus herb plus interferon versus interferon alone were also included. No blinding and language limitations were applied. The methodological quality of trials was assesses, by the Jadadscale plus allocation concealment. Results Twenty-two randomized trials (n=1 947) were identified. The methodological quality was high in five double blind trials and rest was low. The combined results showed that Phyllanthus species had positive effect on clearance of serum HBsAg (relative risk 5.64, 95%C1 1.85 to 17.21) compared with placebo or no intervention. There was no significant difference on clearance of serum HBsAg, HBeAg and HBV DNA between Phyllanthus and interferon. Phyllanthus species were better than non-specific treatment or other herbal medicines on clearance of serum HBeAg, HBeAg, HBV DNA, and liver enzyme normalization. Analyses showed a better effect of the Phyllanthus plus interferon combination on clearance of serum (1.56, 1.06 to 2.32) and HBV DNA (1.52, 1.05 to 2.21) than interferon alone. No serious adverse events were reported. Conclusions Based on the review Phyllanthus species may have positive effect on antiviral activity and liver biochemistry in chronic HBV infection. However, the evidence is not b due to the general low methodological quality and the variations of the herb. Further large trials are needed.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:16 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Glycyrrhizin for chronic hepatitis: protocol of systema tic review of randomized controlled trials

    Backgroud Chronic hepatitis is the major infectious disease of liver. There is no effective drug for it up to now. Clinical trials have showed that glycyrrhizin have potentional effective for chronic hepatitis. Objective To evaluate the effectiveness, safety and economics of glycyrrhizin for chronic hepatitis B and C. Search strategy The search terms include glycyrrhizin and its products’ name, chronic hepatitis and chronic carrier status. The thais registers of the Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group, the Cochrane Complementary Medicine Field, and the central database of The Cochrane Library as well as MEDLINE, EMBASE and Chinese Biomedical CD Database were searched from their date of inception onward. And the free Internet search was operated to find ongoing and unpublished researches. Twenty Chinese medical journals and relevant academic conference proceedings have been searched by manual method. The reference lists of identified documents were checked as the complementary search. Inclusion criteria All randomized trials that tested glycryyhizin for chronic hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus infection were included in this review. Method of the review According to the principle of Cochrane systematic review, selection of thai for inclusion, assessment of methodological quality, data extraction and data syntheses were conducted by two reviewers.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:17 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Sophorus for chronic hepatitis B virus infection: protocol of a systematic review

    Background Hepatitis B is one of the major infectious diseases of mankind, and up to now, there is no effective way to handle it. Recent clinical trials have shown the potential advantages of Kurorinone an extract of Chinese herb, in treament of chronic HBV infection. Objectives Systermically review the safety and efficacy of Kurorinone in treatment of chronic HBV infection. Search strategy With the searching terms including Kurorinone, its products’ name, hepatitis B and chronic carrier status, the trials registers of the Cochrane Hepato- Biliary Group, the Cochrane Complementary Medicine Field, and the central database of the Cochrane Library as well as MEDILINE, EMBASE and Chinese Biomedical CD Database were searched from their date of inception onward. 20 Chinese medical journals and relevant academic conference proceedings have been searched by hand. The reference lists of identified documents were checked as the complementary search. Inclusion Criteria All RCTs that tested Kurorinone for chronic HBV infection were included in this review. Method of the review According the demand of Cochrane systematic review, selection of trial for inclusion, assessment of methodological quality, data extraction and data syntheses would be conducted for each included trial.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:17 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Salviae miltiorrhizae for chronic cor pulmonale: a systematic review

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Salviae miltiorrhizae Injection (include Danshen Injection and Fufang Danshen Injection) for chronic cor pulmonale. Design A systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Method Randomized trials comparing Salviae miltiorrhizae Injection plus routine treatment versus muting treatment alone were identified by electronic and manual searches. No blinding and language limitations were applied. The Jadad scale assessed the methodological quality of trials. Results Thirty randomized trials (n=2 161) were identified. The methodological quality of all trials included was low. The combined results (RR and 95%CI) of symptom scores was 1.20 (1.15 to 1.26). Because of the significant heterogeneity, many other markers of the blood rheology can not be combined. The reason for heterogeneity should include the differences among cases and studies. Because of lacking enough studies, the conclusions about mortality and oxidants/antioxidants markers were not b. Only a few studies had reported adverse events. Conclusions Based in the review, Salviae miltiorrhizae Injection may have positive effect on symptom scores in patients with chronic cor pulmonale. But for mortality, the markers of blood rheology and oxidants/antioxidants, there is no reliable conclusion. However, the evidence is not b due to the general low methodological quality, the variations among studies and experimental markers themselves, and lacking of more relevant and important markers. Further large trials are needed.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:17 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Comparison of APACHE Ⅱand APACHE Ⅲ Prognostic System in Estimating Risk of Hospital Mortality of Critical Patients in Abdominal Surgery

    【Abstract】ObjectiveTo compare the reliability of acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ (APACHE Ⅱ) and APACHE Ⅲ to estimate mortality of critical patients in abdominal surgery. MethodsTwo hundred and sixtyone critical patients in abdominal surgery were included in this study. The clinical data of the first day in ICU were collected and evaluated with both APACHE Ⅱand APACHE Ⅲ prognostic systems and statistical analysis were performed. Probability of survival (Ps) was compared with actual mortality. ResultsThe scores of APACHE Ⅱ and APACHE Ⅲ of death group were significantly higher than those of survival group respectively (P<0.01). The actual mortality of patients whose Ps was no more than 0.5 was higher than that whose Ps was over 0.5 (P<0.01). With two prognostic systems, the scores and mortality were the highest in pancreatitis patients and the lowest in patients with gastrointestinal malignant tumor. ConclusionAPACHE Ⅱ and APACHE Ⅲ prognostic systems can be effectively applied to the estimation of mortality of critical patients in abdominal surgery. For certain diagnostic categories, APACHE Ⅲ is better than APACHE Ⅱprognostic system.

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:20 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The diagnosis of chronic obstructive lung disease using pulmonary function test is notcompletely the same with the criteria of obstructive ventilatory defect

    COPD是以不完全可逆性气流受限为特征的进展性肺疾病, 与肺部对香烟烟雾等有害气体或有害颗粒的异常炎症反应有关。病理改变存在于外周气道、中央气道、肺实质和肺血管系统等, 也可引起肺外的不良效应, 但外周气道病变和功能异常是导致不完全可逆气流受限的主要原因。国内外采用吸入支气管舒张剂后一秒率( FEV1/FVC) 小于70%来进行定性诊断。

    Release date:2016-09-14 11:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Comparison of APACHEⅡ and Ⅲ Scoring System in Predicting the Prognosis of Patients with Acute Kidney Injury and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome in ICU

    Objective To compare the clinical value of Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation ( APACHE) Ⅱ / Ⅲ scoring system in predicting the prognosis of patients complicated with acute kidney injury ( AKI) and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ( MODS) in ICU. Methods 318 patients with AKI and MODS treated with continuous blood purification in ICU fromJanuary 2004 to June 2010, were evaluated with APACHE Ⅱ and APACHEⅢ and analyzed retrospectively. The area under the receiveroperating characteristic curve ( AUC) and the Lemeshow-Hosmer goodness-of-fit of APACHEⅡ and Ⅲ were assessed. Results Mean scores and predicted hospital mortality of APACHEⅡ and Ⅲ were all significantly lower in the survival group than those in the non-survival group ( P lt; 0. 01) . The AUC were 0. 782 for APACHEⅡ, and 0. 755 for APACHEⅢ, with Youden’s indexes of 46. 4% and 36. 7% , respectively. Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed the calibration of the two systems was reasonable. Conclusion APACHEⅡ and Ⅲ are both good for predicting the severity and prognosis of patients complicated with AKI and MODS in ICU but APACHEⅡ is superior in clinical practice.

    Release date:2016-09-13 04:06 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Predictive Value of Simplified Version of Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score for Efficacy of Noninvasive Ventilation Therapy in Patients with Acute Exacerbation of COPD

    Objective To investigate the influence of pulmonary infection on noninvasive ventilation ( NIV) therapy in hypercapnic acute respiratory failure ( ARF) due to acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( AECOPD) , and evaluate the predictive value of simplified version of clinical pulmonary infection score ( CPIS) for the efficacy of NIV therapy in ARF patients with AECOPD. Methods Eighty-four patients with ARF due to AECOPD were treated by NIV, and were divided into a successful group and an unsuccessful group by the therapeutic effect of NIV. The CPIS and simplified version of CPIS between two groups was compared. The predictive value of simplified version of CPIS for the efficacy of NIV wasevaluated using ROC curve analysis. Results The CPIS and the simplified version of CPIS of the successful treatment group ( 4. 0 ±2. 8, 3. 2 ±2. 4) were lower than those of the unsuccessful group ( 8. 0 ±2. 1, 7. 2 ±1. 8) significantly ( P =0. 006, 0. 007) . The area under ROC curve ( AUC) of CPIS and simplified version of CPIS were 0. 884 and 0. 914 respectively, the cut oint of CPIS and simplified version of CPIS were 6 ( sensitivity of 78. 0% , specificity of 91. 2% ) and 5 ( sensitivity of 80. 0% , specificity of 91. 2% ) respectively. Conclusions The level of pulmonary infection is an important influencing factor on the therapeutic effect of NIV in patients with ARF due to AECOPD. Simplified version of CPIS is a helpful predictor for the effect of NIV on ARF of AECOPD.

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