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find Keyword "总" 212 results
  • Prevention and Treatment of Complications after Impacted Tooth Extraction: An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

    Objective To evaluate the relevant systematic reviews/meta-analyses that focused on the prevention and treatment of complications after impacted tooth extraction. Methods The systematic reviews/meta-analyses on the prevention and treatment of complications after impacted tooth extraction were searched in PubMed, The Cochrane Library, CBM, CNKI and WanFang Data from inception to September 30th, 2012, and a total of 15 professional journals and the references of included studies were also retrieved manually. Two reviewers screened the literature according to the inclusion criteria and extracted the data. Then the AMSTAR was used to evaluate the quality of the included studies, and the GRADE system was used to evaluate the quality of evidence. Results A total of twelve relevant systematic reviews/meta-analyses were included, of which five focused on the prevention and treatment of dry socket, six on the prevention of swelling, seven on the prevention and treatment of pain, six on the prevention of limitation of mouth opening, two on the prevention of infection, three on the prevention of bleeding, and one on the treatment of nerve damage after tooth extraction. Based on AMSTAR, seven studies were minor limitations and five studies were moderate limitations. Based on GRADE system, two was high quality of evidence, twelve were moderate, nine were low, and seven were very low. Conclusion Currently, the systematic reviews/meta-analyses on the prevention and treatment of complications after impacted tooth extraction can provide some references for clinical practice, which should be combined with the real condition by clinical doctors when making an evidence-based decision. However, it also suggests performing more high quality and large sample studies to prove this conclusion.

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  • Variation Analysis of Total Hospitalization Cost for Single-Diagnosed Disease of Acute Appendicitis

    Objective To investigate the variation of total hospitalization cost for single-diagnosed disease of different types of acute appendicitis in a three-A hospital, so as to provide evidence for the reimbursement amount of social medical insurance. Methods All patients with acute appendicitis who had surgery treatment during January-April 2011 (before implementing the fee system for single-diagnosed disease) and January-April 2012 (after implementing the fee system for single-diagnosed disease) were collected in this study for analysis. According to the types of acute appendicitis, the patients were stratified into the low risk group (simple, suppurative and gangrenous) and the high risk group (perforative, abscess-formed and pregnancy-combined). The correlation between total hospitalization cost and types of acute appendicitis, as well as the changes of total hospitalization cost after implementing the fee system for single-diagnosed disease were analyzed. Results A total of 90 eligible patients were included. The disease types were positively correlated with hospital stays and total hospitalization cost. All three types in the low risk group could control the average total hospitalization cost within RMB 10 000 yuan. The results of sensitivity analysis showed that, before implementing the fee system for single-diagnosed disease, the total hospitalization cost up to RMB 6 000 yuan could be positively correlated with the above risk stratification (r=0.442, P=0.003). After implementing the fee system for single-diagnosed disease from January to April 2012, the constituent ratio of hospital stays, compared with that in the same period of 2011, had no significant difference (P=0.108) between the two groups; but the ratio of hospital stays (less than 5 days) increased from 45% to 64%, and the ratio of hospital stays (greater than or equal to 10 days) decreased from 17% to 4%, indicating a tendency of shortening hospital stays. Also, the constituent ratio of total hospitalization cost had no significant difference (P=0.114) between the two groups; but the ratio of total hospitalization cost (greater than or equal to RMB 9 000 yuan) decreased from 32% to 13%, indicating a tendency of lowering total hospitalization cost. Conclusion The low risk group of acute appendicitis, RMB 6 000 yuan should be rated as the rational reimbursement amount of social medical insurance. The total hospitalization cost for the high risk group is quite various, so the further studies are needed to investigate the feasibility of the fee system for single-diagnosed disease as well as the rating amount of total hospitalization cost. The implementation of the fee system for single-diagnosed disease is helpful to shorten hospital stays and reduce total hospitalization cost.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:39 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Treatment on Carotid Artery Trauma

    目的 总结颈动脉损伤患者救治的临床经验。 方法 2003年1月-2006年6月,抢救5例颈动脉损伤患者。男3例,女2例;年龄21~35岁。其中左右颈总动脉各1例,左锁骨下动脉2例,左椎动脉1例。合并损伤:左颈内静脉贯通伤1例,左胸导管及交感神经损伤1例,食道损伤1例,左锁骨骨折1例。受伤至入院时间20 min~3个月。受伤原因:刀刺伤3例,误食缝衣针伴感染1例,车祸伤1例。采用血管吻合修复颈总动脉及椎动脉3根、侧壁修补修复左锁骨下动脉1根、左颈内静脉1根及自体血管移植术修复左锁骨下动脉1根。术中输血量1 000~11 000 mL,平均3 800 mL。 结果 所有患者均抢救成功,伤口Ⅰ期愈合,经1~3年随访,无神经功能障碍。 结论 颈动脉损伤救治成功的关键在于尽早做出诊断,快速有效的急救及选择正确的治疗方法。

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  • Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration:A Report of 1221 Cases


    Release date:2016-09-08 10:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis on Diagnosis and Treatment of 38 Adult Patients with Congenital Choledochal Cyst

    目的 探讨成人先天性胆总管囊肿的诊治方法和手术技巧。方法 对2001年5月至2011年5月期间我院手术治疗的成人先天性胆总管囊肿38例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 全部病例均行B超和磁共振(MRCP)检查确诊,均行手术治疗。其中7例行急诊囊肿外引流术。行择期手术者中24例行囊肿切除、胆肠吻合术,其中3例合并肝叶切除术; 行内引流术4例; 仅行胆囊切除术3例。囊肿剥除采用点状钳夹、电凝及推剥囊肿黏膜外纤维血管束的办法,不出血,无副损伤。无手术死亡病例,术后恢复顺利。38例患者中术后获随访28例(73.68%),失访10例; 随访时间 3~120个月,平均74个月。24例行囊肿切除者症状消失20例,偶感上腹痛、抗炎治疗后症状可缓解1例,3例失访;11例行内或外引流术者术后近期均有不同程度的胆管炎症状,其中6例于术后2~10 年再手术,另5例失放,6例再手术者中2例术中发现癌变,分别于再手术后2个月和10个月死亡,余4例临床症状消失;3例仅行胆囊切除术者,2例失访,1例仍有反复发作的畏寒、发热及右上腹痛。结论 B超和MRCP检查有助于明确诊断; 囊肿全切除、肝管空肠Roux-en-Y 吻合术应作为胆总管囊肿的首选术式,囊肿外引流术仅在合并严重感染、全身情况差的患者采用; 手术技巧的改进可为手术提供安全保障。

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  • Clinical Experience of Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration

    目的 探讨腹腔镜胆总管切开取石术的优势,总结手术操作经验及常见并发症的预防与处理。方法回顾性分析我院1999年6月至2010年4月期间收治的108 例胆管结石患者行腹腔镜胆总管探查取石术的手术方法、操作要点及并发症的处理。结果 腹腔镜手术成功 105例, 中转开腹3例; 手术时间(120±20) min,出血量(25±5) ml,住院时间(9±1) d; 术后发生胆道出血3例,漏胆7 例,残余结石6 例; 全组无死亡病例。结论 腹腔镜胆总管切开取石术具有创伤小、痛苦轻、恢复快、对腹腔脏器干扰小、住院时间短等优点,值得临床推广。

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:49 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effect of Preoperative Serum HBeAg Status on Recurrence and Survival in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients after Radical Resection

    Objective To study the effect of HBeAg on recurrence and survival after radical resection of small (≤3 cm) hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods Two hundreds and twenty-three HCC patients undergone radical resection from 1999 to 2000 were divided into two groups according to serum HBeAg status, HBeAg positive group (n=73) and HBeAg negative group (n=150). The patients’ factors, operative factors and tumorous facors were studied retrospectively between the two groups. And risk factors of overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) were analyzed. Results There were no significant differences in operative and tumorous factors between the two groups, but the HBeAg positive group were younger with more severe cirrhosis (P=0.004, P=0.008). The OS and DFS were significantly different between the HBeAg positive group and HBeAg negative group. The 1-, 3- and 5-year OS were 91.5%, 76.8%, 60.1% and 95.2%, 85.3%, 73.2%, respectively (P=0.053); and the 1-, 3- and 5-year DFS were 73.3%, 53.7%, 40.3% and 86.6%, 65.5%, 54.5%, respectively (P=0.002). Multivariate analysis revealed that age >50 years, HBeAg positive and macronodular cirrhosis were significantly related to OS, and HBeAg positive, multiple tumor nodulars were significantly related to DFS. Positive serum HBeAg status was an independent risk factor for both OS and DFS. Conclusion Positive serum HBeAg is closely related to early recurrence and survival after radical resection of patients with small HCC.

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:08 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Combined Laparoscopy and Choledochoscopy in Treating Gallbladder and Common Bile Duct Stones (Report of 51 Cases)

    【摘要】目的 探讨十二指肠镜、腹腔镜联合治疗胆囊结石合并胆总管结石的治疗效果。 方法 采用十二指肠镜取出胆总管结石后,再用腹腔镜切除胆囊治疗胆囊结石合并胆总管结石病例的方法。 结果 51例患者的治疗均获得成功。 结论 胆囊结石合并胆总管结石的病例,通过十二指肠镜取出胆总管结石后,再行腹腔镜胆囊切除术,可避免开腹或腹腔镜胆总管探查等操作较复杂、创伤较大的手术方式。

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:28 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effects of Sanqizonggan on Bacterial Translocation in Rats with Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis

    【Abstract】Objective To study the effects of Chinese traditional medicine Sanqizonggan on bacterial translocation in rats with acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP).Methods The rat model of ANP was established by retrograde bilepancreatic duct injection of 5% sodium taurocholate. All rats were randomly divided into three groups: the shamoperation group(n=30), ANP group(n=30), and ANP+Chinese traditional medicine group (n=30). The serum amylase was detected at 0 h,12 h,24 h, and oneweek survival rate and pancreatic histological changes were observed in three groups, and the bacterial translocation from intestinal lumen was examined. Results The survival rate of the group treated with Chinese traditional medicine was significantly higher than that of the ANP group. The rate of bacterial translocation in the treated group significantly decreased. Conclusion The Chinese traditional medicine Sanqizonggan can promote gastrointestinal movement, protect intestinal mucosa and reduce bacterial translocation from intestinal lumen.

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:44 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Effects of Apoptosis and Proliferation on Choledochal Cyst

    ObjectiveTo observe apoptosis and proliferation of choledochus wall epithelial cell and fibrocyte, to understand the effects of apoptosis and proliferation on choledochal cyst development.MethodsThirty two cases of cystic dilatation,35 cases of cylindrical dilatation,and 25 cases of cholangiectasis caused by choledocholith were collected. All specimens were offered by department of hepatobiliarypediatric surgery. The apoptosis related index (bcl2 and bax) and cell proliferation index (PCNA) were detected by the immunohistochemical technique; Apoptosis was detected by TUNEL method. ResultsThere was serious mucosal epithelial cell damage in cystic dilatation group. In cylindrical dilatation group there was a damage similar to that of the cystis dilatation group, but the damage was not serious. In control group there was little damage in the duct wall, but there was a low positive rate of apoptosis of 〔epithelium cell (2.74±1.00)% and fibroblast (2.95±0.87)%〕, and a low bcl2 and bax’s expression rate, and a high PCNA’s expression rate 〔epithelium cell (3.74±1.00)%, fibroblast (3.71±1.77)%〕. There was no obvious difference between cylindrical dilatation group and cystic dilatation group (Pgt;0.05): the PCNA’s expression rate was low 〔(0.99±0.51)% and (0.90±0.38)% respectively〕, the bax expression rate was high in remaining epithelial cell, and the positive rate of bax was apparently higher than that of bcl2 (P<0.05), the positive rate of the apoptosis cell was high 〔(13.94±4.77)%, (7.51±3.46)%〕; the expression rate PCNA were high 〔(9.91±2.91)%,(9.70±3.18)%〕, and expression rate of bax’s was low in the fibre tissue, the positive rate of bcl2 was markedly higher than that of bax, and the positive rate of the apoptosis cell was low 〔(3.74±2.12)%,(4.46±2.41)%〕. There were no marked difference between the two groups (Pgt;0.05). The expression of bcl2 and bax had marked difference both in cylindrical dilatation group and cystic dilatation group and as compared to control group (P<0.05). ConclusionApoptosis has certain promoting effect in the course of choledochal cyst formation.

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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