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find Author "王建新" 11 results
  • He-Ne激光照射后黄斑裂孔二例

    报告2例黄斑水肿病人行低功率He-Ne激光眼底照射后黄斑裂孔形成。是否与激光照射有关?作者进行了讨论。 (中华眼底病杂志,1994,10:190-191)

    Release date:2016-09-02 06:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 胃粘膜异位致胃大部切除术后输入段空肠穿孔1例报告

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  • Expression and Clinical Value of EZH2 mRNA in Colorectal Cancer Tissues

    Objective To investigate the expression of enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) mRNA in colorectal cancer tissues, and to explore the relationship with clinicopathological features of it. Methods PCR was used to examine the expression of EZH2 mRNA in colorectal cancer tissues, paracancerous tissues, and normal epithelium tissues of 27 patients with colorectal cancer. Meanwhile, the relationship between the expression of EZH2 mRNA and clinicopathological features of colorectal cancer were analyzed. Results Expression level of EZH2 mRNA in colorectal cancer tissues, paracancerous tissues, and normal epithelium tissues were 3.01±1.29, 1.20±0.69, and 0.87±0.37 respectively, and the expression value of colorectal cancer tissues at the top (P<0.01), but there were no significant difference between the paracancerous tissues and normal epithelium tissues (P=0.403). Expression of EZH2 mRNA were related to TNM stages (P=0.002) and degree of differentiation (P=0.005), but were not related to age (P=0.388), gender (P=0.963), diameter of tumor (P=0.579), histological type (P=0.945), location of tumor (P=0.611), and lymph node metastasis (P=0.449). Conclusions EZH2 mRNA expresses highly in colorectal cancer tissues, so it may play an essential role in the emergence and development of colorectal cancer. EZH2 mRNA can be used as one of the referenced indexes to determine the malignant degree and process of colorectal cancer.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Study of Inhibition Effects of Small Interfering RNA on VEGF Gene Expression in HepG2 Hepatic Cancer Cell

    Objective To observe the effect of RNA interference (RNAi) on HepG2 hepatic cancer cell by small interfering RNA (siRNA). Methods siRNA targeting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene was transfected into HepG2 cells by LipofectimineTM 2000. The VEGF mRNA and protein were respectively detected by real-time quantitive PCR and Western blot, and the concentration of VEGF protein in the cell culture supertant was determined by ELISA at 48 h after culture. Results The average efficiency of siRNA transfection was (90.4±2.9)% after 6 h cell culture. The expressions of VEGF mRNA and protein in HepG2 cells could be effectively suppressed by siRNA, and the concentration of VEGF protein in the cell culture supertant was also decreased. Conclusion siRNA can knock down the expression of VEGF gene and decrease the concentration of VEGF protein in HepG2 cells.

    Release date:2016-09-08 11:05 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 乙型肝炎病毒e抗体检测中和试验的应用评价

    目的评价自建中和试验检测乙型肝炎病毒e抗体(抗-HBe)的临床适用性。 方法2013年2月-5月用实验室自建中和试验检测系统检测酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法检测灰区的抗-HBe不确定结果标本103份,确定其反应性。再从103份标本中随机抽取72份标本用电化学发光法进行检测,计算中和试验和电化学发光法相比较的Kappa值,评价两种方法的一致性。 结果经中和试验确认, 59份ELISA法抗-HBe阳性标本经中和试验确认为57份具有反应性; 44份ELISA法抗-HBe阴性标本经中和试验确认后有26份显示有反应性。中和试验和电化学发光法检测抗-HBe的Kappa值为0.75,二者一致性较好。 结论中和试验确认ELISA法检测抗-HBe的不确定结果,其分析性能能满足临床需求,且经济而实用。

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  • The Application of White Test for Detection of Bile Leakage at Liver Resection Margin During Liver Resection Surgery

    目的 探讨白试验在肝切除手术中检测漏胆的价值。方法 笔者所在医院2008年1月至2013年1月期间在肝切除手术中采用白试验联合干纱布擦拭法检测漏胆56例。即在肝切除手术操作末期,用干纱布擦拭法确认无漏胆后,经胆囊管或左右肝管插管注入5%无菌脂肪乳剂10~30mL,同时用手阻断远端胆总管。观察肝切除手术创面的白色液体渗出情况,对渗出白色液体处予以间断缝合。重复操作,至断面无白色液体渗出为止。结果 56例患者经术中检测,发现漏胆17例(漏胆检出率为30.4%),每例发现漏胆1~6处(平均2.9处),术中均予以确切缝合以关闭漏胆处,且重复试验操作,证实均再无漏胆。术后发生漏胆2例(3.6%),经相应治疗后痊愈出院。全部患者出院后均随访3~6个月(平均3.8个月),无膈下积液或膈下感染病例发生。结论 术中白试验能够发现漏胆的精确部位,不会污染肝切除手术创面,并能够无限次地重复试验,值得临床推广。

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  • 肠系膜黏液脂肪肉瘤复发再手术1例报道

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:24 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Evaluation of implementation on clinical application guidelines of the Chinese patent medicines for the treatment of common diseases

    ObjectiveTo analyse the quality of implementation in clinical application guidelines of the Chinese patent medicines for the treatment of common diseases. MethodsWe retrieved clinical application guidelines of the Chinese patent medicines for the treatment of common diseases published from February, 2019 to August, 2022 in databases. The clinical practice guideline (CPG) implementation evaluation tool was used to evaluate the implementation of the included guidelines. ResultsA total of 29 guidelines were included. The implementation quality of included guidelines was moderate. Thirteen (44.8%) were high quality and 16 (55.2%) were moderate quality. ConclusionThe quality of implementation of clinical application guidelines of the Chinese patent medicines for the treatment of common diseases is higher than that of other traditional Chinese medicine CPG. The CPG implementation evaluation tool can be used in traditional Chinese medicine CPGs and particularity of TCM should also be considered.

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  • Study The Expressions of FN and PTEN in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Its Clinical Significance

    ObjectiveTo explore the relationship between the expressions of fibronectin (FN) and phosphatase and tensin homology deleted on ehromosome ten (PTEN) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tissues and the clinical pathological features. MethodsThe expressions of FN and PTEN were detected by using Western blot and immunohistochemistry respectively in 83 HCC tissues and para-carcinoma tissues, 47 hepatic cirrhosis tissues and 11 normal hepatic tissues. The correlations between the expressions of FN and PTEN and the clinicopathologic features of HCC patients were analyzed. ResultsThe positive expression rate of FN protein in HCC tissues was significantly higher than those in para-carcinoma tissue, normal hepatic tissue, and liver cirrhosis tissues (P<0.05); meanwhile the expression of PTEN was opposite (P<0.05). The positive expression rate of FN protein in para-carcinoma tissues was also obviously higher than that liver cirrhosis tissues and normal hepatic tissues (P<0.05), meanwhile the expression of PTEN was opposite (P<0.05). The positive expression rate of FN protein was higher in HCC tissues with cancer embolus, lymphatic metastasis, positive AFP, and multiple tumor (P<0.05), but there were no statistically significant differences in FN protein expression, gender, age, HBsAg, degree of tumor differentiation, and size of tumor (P>0.05). The positive expression rate of PTEN was lower in HCC tissues with high-medium differentiation, cancer embolus, positive AFP, lymphatic metastasis, and tumor diameter ≥2 cm (P<0.05), there were no statistically significant differences in PTEN expression, gender, age, HBsAg, and the number of tumor (P>0.05). ConclusionsThe abnormal expressions of FN and PTEN in HCC tissues which may play a role in promoting or inhibiting occurrence, development, invasion, and metastasis of HCC. The abnormal expressions of both can be used as molecular biological markers for the malignant degree, invasion, and metastasis of HCC.

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  • The interpretation for the application of “evidence as a core, consensus as a supplement, and experience as a reference” in clinical practice guidelines for traditional Chinese medicine or integration of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine

    Clinical practice guidelines need to be based on evidence, but traditional Chinese medicine, especially integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine guidelines, inevitably need to combine clinical research evidence, ancient literature, and expert experience and consensus. In the process of formulating, there are deviations in understanding and application of the expert consensus method and expert experience, resulting in opaque of the recommendations, unclear of the details of the diagnosis and treatment strategy, less prominent of the advantages and value of traditional Chinese medicine, which affects the scientificity, transparency, applicability, promotion and application of the guidelines of traditional Chinese medicine or integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. This study discusses the guiding principle of “evidence as a core, consensus as a supplement, and experience as a reference” that was generally followed and puts forward detailed methodological suggestions to the formulation of guidelines for traditional Chinese medicine and integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

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